Changes you would never expect!
BloodWars has been giving fun to people all around the world for 10 years now.
- 1000 evo points
- 2000 FLD points on each KotH location
- and one of each level 1 rune.
Birthday events!
Additionally we have prepared the following bonuses:- 10 free days of premium if you register between 1 and 10 August 2016
- 1 August 2016 – Souvenir shop
- 2-9 August 2016 – Cain’s Holiday Vision deLuxe
- 10 August 2016 – Souvenir shop
Charon is coming to the City!
Between 1 and 10 August 2016 Charon will be in the City offering exceptional prizes and packages of premium services on sale.Remember to visit Charon’s lottery!
Amongst other things You can find there:
- 50x random level 1 rune
- 10x random level 2 rune
- 50x +250 evolution points
Birthday patch.
With every birthday of our game, we try to give you something extra.This year we want to focus on perfecting the current features rather than adding something completely new.
Below is a list of all the things we are planning on changing with the coming birthday patch:
- Enchantments
- Reversing transformation into the Cursed One
- Race changes
- Temporary bonus bought with gold coins providing +30% during KotH
- Changes to treasures
- Balance changes
- Behemoth
- Life and death
- ZTraining
- Bonuses for new players on old servers
- New random event "Construction workers" giving +10 hammers
- Necro: double xp for Chronos
- Attacks deluxe
» Register now!